Open Your Own Store

Open your own Gallery

     We at Murungo offer a unique opportunity for anyone who may be interested in opening there own gallery or are unable to restock there present gallery.

Murungo Quality Assurance

Once a customer has placed an order with us we will then travel back to Zimbabwe to personally fill that order and ensure that the pieces are up to our high standard. We will personally source all of the items necessary to fill your space.

     We will provide you with details of the artists and any support information you need.

     Once a container has been shipped we will arrive when the container arrives to sort through the order with you and provide you with the information and hands on experience you need to properly market your new products.

Return on Investment.

     With all of our painstaking work that goes into the sourcing of your products as well as with the support information also available we guarantee a high return on your investment.

Long term investment

     At Murungo we are committed to your success and go to great lengths to maintain our relationship with you. The success of our artists falls on the retailers and for this reason we want you to succeed.