

African Daily News and Current Events

This page is dedicated to Daily and Current African News & Events.

We will be posting articles that we find compelling and encourage our customers to take a minute to read them. Please be advised that some articles may be upsetting to some readers.

IOL Africa News

Zimbabwean News

Facts about Zimbabwe

Alleged mercenaries seek trial in open court
‘Mercenaries’ to face new charges

Zimbabwe’s torture training

The BBC’s Hilary Andersson
“For almost a quarter of a century Robert Mugabe has been prepared to use violence to hold on to power”

Daily News in court to fight closure

US widens its sanctions against Zimbabwe

Christmas in Zimbabwe / Who stole Christmas in Zimbabwe / Zimbabwe Tests Commonwealth / Zim vows to keep ban on foreign journos / Mugabe reveals suspected murder attempt

Mugabe celebrates 80th birthday

Mugabe ‘suffers chest pains’

Actual email received by Murungo March 15th 2004

Please be careful out there,On Saturday afternoon near Avanues Clinic, 4 men stopped a closured lady at the robots and forcefully pulled her out of her Pajero beat her up and stole her car !They did it in front of many other motorists who did not even help her……Please keep your windows up and always be on the look out !LoveMichelleDear All

 Tonite, our 21 year old daughter was the victim of what we believe to be an attempted abduction, by a group of young black men, dressed in the garb of the so called ‘green bombers’, within yards of our own front door. She was on the Domboshawa Road, at approx 21.20 hrs, just passing Wheeldon Drive, when she became aware of lights flashing up close behind her. When she didn’t pull over, the vehicle overtook her, slowing down as it passed, trying to force her off the road.

 It tried to run her off the road at least 3 times on the Domboshawa Road, before she pulled in to the BP garage at Helensvale, where she hoped the lights and the presence of other people would help. Two vehicles pulled up behind her and boxed her into a parking space, one a red truck, the other a cream/white saloon car. Luckily, she had the presence of mind to wind up her window and lock her doors! One of the guys got out of a truck and demanded her driving licence, trying to get her to believe he was a police officer. Any of you who happen to know my daughter, will know she is no shrinking violet, and has a mouth to match her mother’s. She demanded to know, why he wanted her driving licence, as he wasn’t even a police officer. ( She knew exactly what he was because, thank God, she had seen the BBC report on the green bombers only a few days before). He muttered something about not having ‘given way’ at a road sign. She told him that the Domboshawa Road doesn’t have a give way sign on it at the point they tried to force her off the road, so he obviously didn’t either know the road to well, or his knowledge of traffic violations was defective!. He continued with the pretence of being a police officer, but she was having none of it!

 At this point she became aware of at least 9 other black youths, similarly dressed in this green overall style uniform, who started to bang on her windows and tried pulling the doors open. She opened her window a fraction, and told them she would NOT get out the vehicle under any circumstances. She said she remained polite, as she feared they would pull a gun on her at any point, but she was adamant she would not get out. She asked him to explain what law she had broken, then she would drive across the road to Borrowdale police station and deal with the real police officers there. I think at this point, they realised, as I often have, that there was no point in trying to get her to co-operate, as she clearly was not going too. He then gestured to the others to get in the vehicles, and they moved off.

 She said it felt like an eternity, but was probably all over in 15 mins, but it has left her feeling shocked, angry and very vulnerable.

 Personally, I can’t put in writing what I’d like to do to them if I got my hands on them, as there is probably some bloody law or other that I would be contravening! Guys, we all need to look out for our kids, no matter how old they are, or think they are. These are NOT safe times we’re living in. These young ‘green bomber’ idiots think they can do what they like with impunity, because they are certain in the knowledge, NOTHING is going to happen to them even if they were found out!

 Tonite, our daughter could have been abducted, raped and murdered, and we would have not known where to start looking for her or indeed the culprits. How long can we continue to think it is not going to happen to us or our families? Who of you out there is going to be next? Surely, surely there is something we can and must do as a group of caring parents, because no one else is going to!!!!

 Please, please guys, you need to instil in your children that they can no longer be cavalier in their attitudes to safety. Our daughter is 21, and the only thing that saved her tonite was her knowledge of the situation here and her down right bloody mindedness about her own safety.

 I don’t mind if you wish to pass this on to other friends, infact, the more people who know the better. At least then we might start to have a fighting chance of protecting our precious children.

 To all of you, go safely

 Kris and Peter

Hard day’s work:

Ten-year-old Tatenda Chisvo sells pens on the streets of Harare. Most Zimbabweans will have a gloomy festive season as nearly 70 percent of the population are unemployed and inflation is currently pegged at 620 percent.

Other African News

BBC African News

‘Cannabis switch hits food crop’

Ghana to blacklist NGOs


Rebels massacre Uganda civilians

Rwanda: from doomsday to boom time

The Aids Pandemic

In Africa south of the Sahara, around 26.6 million people were infected with HIV at the end of 2003, out of an estimated global tally of 40 million, according to the latest United Nations estimates.

Around 2.3 million Africans died from Aids during 2003, and at least three million more Africans became infected.

Rwanda: Life after genocide

Boost for Kenya’s honest policemen

Child soldier use rises globally

Rebel massacre in Ugandan camp

The international community has pledged more than $500m to help reconstruct Liberia after 14 years of civil war.